June 10th, 2024

EAC Trains Assessors on the New Classification Criteria for Tourist’s Accommodation Establishments and Restaurants (GIZ)

As a collective and coordinated approach to enhance cross-border tourism, promote, and market quality tourism in East Africa, the EAC Secretariat and the EAC Partner States, in collaboration with GIZ, have reviewed the EAC Classification Criteria for tourists’ accommodation establishments and restaurants in line with the emerging requirements and trends in the tourism sector. Marked as a substantial milestone, the EAC Sectoral Council of Tourism and Wildlife as well as the Council of Ministers adopted the reviewed criteria, as well as a training curriculum and programme for classification assessors and an assessor's code of conduct to govern the conduct and implementation of the criteria in the Partner States.

In May 2024, the EAC Secretariat, through GIZ support, facilitated a five-day refresher course to train assessors, “trainers of trainees”, as a step towards building a well-equipped pool of assessors in the region for the implementation of the newly revised EAC classification criteria.

To facilitate the transition to the reviewed standard regional criteria, the training provided an overview of the new assessment sheets, the assessors training programme, a code of conduct, and guidelines for conducting national classification exercises, designed to achieve consistency, uniformity, and effective management of the classification in the region. Additionally, key elements featured in the classification criteria were also highlighted; these include:

  • Physical quality aspects of the establishment
  • Sustainability requirements
  • Guest facilities and services
  • Safety and security aspects
  • Wellness and recreation services
  • Human resources and staff facilities
  • Guest satisfaction and experience
  • Convention centres
  • Introduction to quality assurance systems

During the training, the assessors were tasked with conducting a hotel assessment in a selected venue as part of a practical exercise, tallying the results to the new criteria, to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the assessment, classification, and accreditation processes.


Further, it was highlighted that the EAC-approved certification and plaques, bearing quality marks of conformity and compliance, guarantee the consistent provision of high-quality products and services.

Find more information on the EAC tourism sector here.