Looking back on 2021, GIZ’s support to the implementation of the African Union Border Programme (AUBP) in the EAC region strongly focused on capacity development – contributing to better capabilities for border governance and cross-border cooperation. The EAC acts upon the knowledge that capacity development and cross-border cooperation can set a solid foundation for peaceful delimitation and demarcation.
In line with this, AUBP has successfully developed training material and curricula for border agencies, as well as anti-corruption authorities in the promotion of cross-border cooperation as well as a comprehensive regional study aimed at assessing the status of borders in the EAC. The training curriculum supports border officers working on One-Stop-Border-Posts. EAC and AUBP have ensured the different activities complement each other in the creation of awareness of borders in preventing conflicts to foster peace and security.
2021 ended with field visits to border areas to better understand the dynamics and emerging issues in border communities, a workshop to evaluate the resolutions made at the 2nd EAC High Level Peace and Security conference, as well as national consultations to strengthen National Child Protection Systems and cross-border collaboration. A joint technical sensitization workshop on the new continental AU Border Governance Strategy and EAC’s security framework brought the AU, EAC and Partner States closer together and strengthens ties from the national to the continental level.