On 31 July 2024, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between EAC-GIZ and the East Africa Civil Society Organizations Forum (EACSOF), marking a pivotal moment in the step towards enhanced civil society participation and engagement and especially bolstering the involvement of women and youth in regional economic integration processes.
The signing ceremony was hosted by Mr Marius Weist, Team Lead for Organisational Development and Outreach, along with the respective CSO advisors from EAC-GIZ. Representing EACSOF, Ms. Lilian Kimaro and her team were in attendance.
In his address, Mr Weist emphasised the indispensable role of civil society organizations (CSOs), women, and youth in the EAC integration process. Today marks a joint milestone on our journey towards stronger engagement of CSOs in processes that drive EAC's economic integration, he stated.
Ms. Kimaro, CEO of EACSOF, expressed her unwavering commitment to the MoU's objectives, highlighting its critical support for CSOs in regional economic integration. With our growing membership from newly joined EAC countries, this support is timely and will significantly enhance our capacity to work towards a people-centred, economically integrated EAC. She affirmed that we are dedicated to achieving the intended results.
Key areas of collaboration in the MoU include capacity development for CSOs, resource mobilisation, and the implementation of the consultative dialogue framework. It is in line with the objectives of the Leveraging Integration Frameworks for Trade in Services and CSOs in the EAC Region (LIFTED) initiative, implemented by GIZ and co-funded by the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The initiative also supports the enhancement of service liberalisation and exports in selected sectors at both regional and continental levels.
By focusing on these strategic areas, GIZ and EACSOF aim to make a substantial impact on regional development and stability, leveraging their combined expertise and resources. This partnership signifies a major step forward in strengthening civil society participation and regional stabilisation within the EAC region.