GIZ through LIFTED “Leveraging Integration Frameworks for Trade in Services and CSOs in the EAC” - a project jointly co-financed by the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), supports the East African Community (EAC) regional economic integration agenda by focusing on framework conditions for enhanced Trade in Services.
The project is championing the harmonization of operating licensing requirements for tour operators, travel agencies, tour guide and tourism accommodation establishments and restaurants.
The initiative is to develop areas for agreement and harmonization of the operating licensing requirements for travel agencies, tour operators and tour guides and tourism accommodation establishments and restaurants.
Among other objectives, the action aims to simplify, streamline, and standardize the process for obtaining and maintaining tourism-related operating licenses in the region, thereby promoting the growth of the tourism sector, facilitating regional integration, and ensuring a unified experience for tourists visiting the EAC.
Additionally, the action focusses on harmonization of operating licensing requirements for tour operators, travel agencies, tour guides and tourism accommodation establishments and restaurants, with the aim to develop Standardized Licensing Platforms where tour operators, tour guides, travel agencies, etc. can apply and renew operating licenses that are to be valid across the EAC region. This is to enhance the free movement of tourism service providers, in line with EAC Partner States commitments under the Common Market Protocol (CMP).
As part of this initiative, GIZ Tanzania/EAC invites application from regional consulting firms with knowledge, skills and experience in the sector, to support in the harmonization of operating licensing requirements for tour operators, travel agencies, tour guide and tourism accommodation establishments and restaurants.
Interested firms should request for detailed tender documents from no later than 10th March 2025 and submit Technical and Financial proposals by email no later than 17th March 2025.